Stand Firm

Accountability group for men struggling with sexual sin

“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.”  -Galatians 5:1

Who we are

Stand Firm is a group of men, both teens and adults, who admit that they cannot overcome sexual sin on their own.  We study scripture together to better understand our sin and remember again how good God is in Christ.  We pray together, pleading for each other’s souls.  We point each other to Christ who is better, and hold one another accountable.

Sexual sin generally follows a similar pattern. Temptation leads to sin, sin leads to shame and guilt, shame and guilt lead to resolution. We commit to God, “That was the last time, I swear.” Yet hours, days, weeks later, we fall again leading to more shame, more guilt, and more resolutions. Here’s the reality, this does not work. We don’t over come sin by will power. We overcome by the transformation of the Word. We overcome by leaning on the accountability and care of the church. We overcome by enjoying God’s grace and growing in our love for Christ, our families, and our church.
You see, the problem at its core is not so much a will power problem. The problem is a heart problem. When we give into sexual sin, we’ve lost sight of just how good Christ is. How much better Christ is. Have you lost sight of Christ’s goodness? Is your heart convinced that immediate pleasure is better than savoring Christ? Do you want to be done with pornography and sexual sin? Join us.


Please fill out our registration form below and we will follow up with more details.

Plese note, only the leaders of Stand Firm receive this form.


If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to:

Christian Lewis @ or Matt Ostrow @


999 Horseshoe Pike,     Downingtown, PA 19335


Building Request Form

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