Senior’s Ministry
The Senior’s Ministry of East Brandywine Baptist Church was begun in 2000 by our former lead pastor, Charles G. Detwiler and his wife, Grace. They served as leaders of this ministry until 2008, when they retired. At that time, the church asked John Haas to become Pastor to the Seniors and he and his wife Sandy have been leading it ever since.
The Senior Ministry exists as a resource for the older members of EBBC and provides:
«Teaching through monthly Bible studies
«Encouragement through visitation
« Opportunities for seniors to serve others
«Honoring and acknowledging the contribution of our EBBC seniors
The central aspect and most visible part of the Seniors Ministry is our monthly Bible Study, Lunch, and Program. This event gives our ministry the ability to teach, provide fellowship and give many of our seniors and other members opportunities for service. However, much of the ministry involves behind-the-scenes elements. Pastor John and Sandy visit seniors who are unable to get out to church, who are sick or in the hospital or who are going through the grief of losing a loved one. Other volunteers assist in visiting seniors in their homes or in the hospital and at funeral services. Pastor John also offers counseling to our seniors as needed to help them cope with spiritual, emotional and economic struggles.
Monthly Bible Study, Lunch, and Program
2nd Thursday of every month, 11:00AM-2:00PM
EBBC Auditorium and/or Gym
11:15AM-12:00PM- Welcome/Announcements and Bible Study
12:00-1:00PM- Lunch prepared by the kitchen staff, served family style.
1:00-2:00PM- Miscellaneous program- entertainment and/or informational.
The Senior ministry meets on the second Thursday of every month with the exception of August. The average attendance is 80-120 people, many of whom attend EBBC but several that do not. Many of our regulars say that this event is a highlight of their month! There is no cost to attend, though a freewill offering is taken after lunch to cover the cost of the food- suggested donation is $5.
Annual Banquet
Once a year the Senior Ministry will meet at a local restaurant. Information regarding this event will be shared in the monthly invitation.
If you are interested in getting involved with the Senior Ministry or have any questions feel free to email Pastor John Haas at

Get in touch!
If you are interested in attending our monthly Bible Study and luncheon, we would love it if you’d take a moment to fill out this form, letting us know who you are and how you’d like to receive the invitation.
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