Prayer Suggestions for Missionaries
- For them to stay focused on God & his plans above all else
- That God will open doors of ministry, blessing partnerships & friendships
- That the Spirit will provide them with words that communicate effectively in other cultures & languages
- For strength, stamina & safety as missionaries encounter antagonistic spiritual forces
- That God will provide times of peace & relaxation to refresh his workers. Pray for their families
- That God will encourage them with the knowledge that people back home care about their emotional well-being.
How to Encourage Missionaries
- PRAY for them! READ their prayer letters & notice what their needs and requests are. Pray for their family, their children & their Christian walk
- Send a letter or email of encouragement
- Adopt a missionary & their family—remember them on holidays, birthdays & other special occasions. Send a card or small gift: music CD’s, candy, journals, stamps, toiletries, pictures, etc.
- Keep them informed on what’s going on in your life. Send a local newspaper or a favorite book. Keep them connected
- Send surprise care packages at random times of the year.

Stateside Address:
320 Galway Dr
West Chester, PA 19380
Al and Melissa are involved in an underground church in a closed country. Their work is church planting, evangelism and discipleship among the college students of national believers.
Prayer Requests
- Safety in travels
- Meeting & talking with new students
- Opportunities to disciple new students and that God will work in their hearts
- Wisdom to build up potential church leaders & student leaders
- That God will help them provide right information & use contacts to help them in next step of starting a new business.
B & D
(Emma, Kara, Micah, Anna, Julia,
Isaiah, Joshua)
B and D and their children, living in Perm, Russia, work alongside Russian churches for church planting & leadership training where they teach and encourage the people to spread the gospel.
Prayer Requests
- Prayer for the new church building and raising up biblical leaders within the church
- Pray for the country and for a change in legislation, protecting Christians as they share the Gospel
- Pray for the men in rehab and that God will continuing in their lives
- Pray for the new church plant and God to hand pick the team
- Kids’ relationship with Christ

(Nandry, Boaz, Asher)
Nathan, Laurel and family serve the Lord in a remote Cameroon, Africa village where they work with the Baka people building relationships, while helping them with their daily needs and sharing the gospel with them.
Prayer Requests
- Momentum and wisdom as the Baka Training Center project completes dorms and a classroom
- Classes to start by the end of 2017
- Baka church as they address issues of drug and alcohol addiction (even among believers), that they can help, encourage, and offer a source of hope to the larger community

S & K D
LCM International
S, a native of India, educated in the US, was introduced to Christian camping through Camp Sankanac. He and K’s vision is to reach children through Christian camping in India. S, K and their three children make their home in Ephrata, PA.
Prayer Requests
- For His protection on their marriage & their children’s walk in the Lord.
- That God’s word will continue to transform campers lives & bring about real life change
- Their team in India, Nepal and the US, as they serve in various capacities
- Their on-going financial needs, as the camping ministry continues to grow
- More personnel in India and an assistant for Sanjay here in the US
- Grace’s continual healing following accident
- For Faith as they look to God for His will & provision for college
- Middle daughter Paige as she tackles middle school & desires to be a light.
Randy & becky
AIM Air/Moody Aviation (USA)
rgromlich@moody.edu, bgromlich@gmail.com
Randy & Becky live in the Spokane, WA area. Randy works on airplane maintenance and trains students in aircraft mechanics. The aircraft are used as transportation support for missionaries throughout the world.
Prayer Requests
- God’s wisdom and peace
- Randy’s health
- Direction for their children
- Forrest & Melissa, their son & daughter-in-law
- Thane’s healing & then a job
- Provision for medical needs & support
- Becky’s health
- The joy of the Lord
Maria gusmão &
Antonio Mota
BCM, International (Recife, Brazil)
Maria Gusmao works with the street kids where she provides a safe environment for them to come be exposed to Bible study & evangelism. She & her team also have camp ministries for the kids. Maria travels to remote areas with other workers to spread the gospel.
Prayer Requests
- Antonio & Maria’s Marriage
- Protection in traveling
- Camp season preparations
- Praise the Lord for our new teacher Marisa who is teaching the Bible to the kids in public schools here in Recife.
- Slum kids and their struggling families

Evan & Libby Hannay
Ethnos 360 (Papua New Guinea) Evan_Hannay@NTM.org
Evan & Libby Hannay are headed to Papua New Guinea with Ethnos360 to do church planting where many of the people groups do not have the gospel and no written language. There they will be living within the indigenous communities to learn the language and translate the bible
Prayer Requests
- The ministry will expand to reach some campuses that have no Christian witness; satellite campus of Penn State, a Catholic university, a private college in PA, and a local community college.
- God would open hearts to the gospel!
- God will provide additional workers
- Non-Christians in their Bible study.
John & Gail Hutchinson
Wycliffe Bible Translators (USA)
John is Wycliffe Corporation Secretary & a Resource Coordinator for personnel services & encouragement. Gail plans to have her Doctor of Ministry soon. Her program is focused on development of appropriate care resources to enhance spiritual well-being of missionaries facing difficult or complex transitions.
Prayer Requests
- Continue to pray for John, Gail, and the family (Sue, Hudson & Evie) as they mourn the loss of Skyler, Sue’s oldest son, & John & Gail’s grandson
- Safe traveling mercies throughout the year
- John as he continues efforts in transferring Wycliffe teams to new RC’s
Mark & Shannon Fodale
(Jordan, Laura, Rebekah)
Disciple Makers (USA) fodalem@dm.org
Mark serves as Overall Director with Disciple Makers, whose ministry is to spread the gospel to college students. His primary college is Lafayette in Easton, PA. Mark trains student leaders, staff candidates and other staff members. Mark and family are shown to the left celebrating their daughter’s marriage!
Prayer Requests
- The ministry will expand to reach some campuses that have no Christian witness; satellite campus of Penn State, a Catholic university, a private college in PA, and a local community college.
- God would open hearts to the gospel!
- God will provide additional workers
- Non-Christians in their Bible study.

Jack & June Landis
(Hannah, Caleb, Rebekah)
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Eastern PA
Jack serves as director of the Chester County CEF, a faith ministry dedicated to the task of reaching children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Ministries include: Good News Clubs, backyard Bible clubs (5-day clubs), Day camps (Camp Good News & Kiddie Camp) & the Summer Missionary Program.
Prayer Requests
- Pray that God will burden the hearts of more people around the county to go with CEF teams into the public schools to share the gospel with children in the After School Good News Clubs.
- Pray that Camp Good News (grades 2-6) & Kiddie Camp (4yr. olds—1st grade) will reach many kids each summer.
- For God’s continuing hand of protection, direction & provision for the ministry & for the Landis family.

Jeff & Deb Murphy
Jeff and Deb are part of BCM, Int. at Camp Sankanac. The ministry Jeff in a leading part of the maintenance staff, as well as leading Bible studies at Camp Sankanac.
Prayer Requests
- Pray that God will continue to provide financially for them
- For Camp Sankanac as they continue to reach kids for Christ
- For The Call Outdoors for safety traveling & gathering hunting footage for their YouTube channel & the TV show.
- Building relationships with the support staff each summer at camp
- That God will use TCO to reach men for Christ.

Jared, Naldy and their children serve in Chile, South America. Their work is to connect Chilean churches to church planting through camp ministries. They are currently working on a Camp and Church Planting Center, starting from the ground up.
Prayer Requests
- Funds to buy land to build camp
- Build the camp & church planting center
- Additional monthly support needed
- House
- Gospel Tracts in Spanish
- High quality digital projector
- Funds to replace car hood
- Money to upgrade to diesel minivan
Jorge & alice pratas
Int. Sports Ministries, Mozambique
Jorge and Alice Pratas, serve in Mozambique. Jorge’s work involves Bible studies for soccer teams, Chaplain of a professional soccer team, strategic planning with churches for sports ministries, training to enable sports ministry for street children, ministry to hospitalized children & orphans.
Prayer Requests
- Opportunities to teach & train church leaders on sports ministry, teaching models and the Great Commission
- Opportunities to share the Gospel during athletic events they sponsor in the cities
- Alice ministering to those in the hospital
- Mariana and Raquel at Taylor University
- Young leaders from rural communities for continued deep desire to serve & that Jorge will be used in their lives.

OC International (USA)
raysanford@oci.org, dianesanford@oci.org
Ray and Diane serve over 500 missionaries through their headquarters at OC International in Colorado Springs, CO. Ray is Executive Vice-President of the missions agency, while Diane keeps the mail going out to missionaries and their families.
Prayer Requests
- God wll use them remotely moving missions forward through tech God nology.
- Changes in OC will attract young people into global missions
- Lord will send out workers
- God will help us settle into our new ministry home location
- Guidance in support and care for Diane’s Parents

Dave & Brielle Stallard
(Ella, Jordan, Brody)
Camp Sankanac (USA)
Dave & Brielle are missionaries with Bible Centered Ministries, Intl., and they serve the Lord at Camp Sankanac. They serve as Co-Assistant Directors, overseeing the camp programs and securing/scheduling/
Prayer Requests
- For game dinners & other speaking opportunities
- Sharing the Gospel through game dinners
- Traveling mercies
- National TV: for the partnership TCO has with Hitman TV on the Pursuit channel
- Dave’s Sports Ministry at Sankanac
- God’s continued provision for the family.
Byron & amy straughn
(Graeme, Elinore, Jane)
Byron, Amy and family are Cru, whose vision is spiritual movements everywhere , so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.
Prayer Requests
- Pray Amy and Byron as they mentor young missionaries in North Africa.
- Pray that our leaders and labor would grow in humility, expressed in prayer.
- Pray that our trained staff would courageously, clearly and wisely cross boundaries with the gospel.
- Pray for Arab students in Philadelphia to hear the Good News while they are here briefly in our country.
999 Horseshoe Pike, Downingtown, PA 19335
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