2:42 LifeGroups
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers”
(Acts 2:42)
We acknowledge that sitting in church pews is not the best way to build authentic community. Neither does being part of a small group automatically. However, when mercy-melted believers get serious about encouraging and building up other believers, authentic community has a green house to develop in. Our desire is that every member and regular attendee of EBBC will be an active participant in a 2:42 LifeGroup. 2:42 LifeGroups at EBBC meet in a variety of locations around the Downingtown area, mostly on Sunday evenings.
LifeGroup Registration opens August 18th.
Curt & Darla Eldredge
Hosted by: Eldredges and Bradons
Location: Coatesville
Meet: First 3 Sundays of the Month 5:30-7:30pm
Pets in home: Cat
Childcare: No
Accomodates: (CURRENTLY FULL)
Questions? Contact Curt: curteldredge52@gmail.com
Joe & Val Muckle
Location: Elverson
Meet: 1st & 3rd Sunday 4:30PM
Pets in home: Yes
Childcare: mostly unstructured/some structured with teens.
Accomodates: (CURRENTLY FULL)
Questions? Contact Joe: jvmuckle@gmail.com
Jason & Sarah Kline
Hosted By: Bill & Sue Mendenhall
Location: Coatesville
Meet: 1st & 3rd Sundays @ 6:30PM
Pets in home: hypoallergenic dog
Childcare: No
Accomodates: 14 Adults (CURRENTLY FULL)
Questions? Contact Bill: billsuem@aol.com
Gail Raudenbush
Location: Coatesville
Meet: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 9:30-11:30AM beginning Oct 1st
Pets in home: No
Childcare: No
Accomodates: 10+ *This group is open to all ladies at EBBC.
Questions? Contact Gail: Jraudenbush@gmail.com
Chris & Nancy Campbell
Hosted by: Chris Campbell
Location: Downingtown
Meet: 3 Sundays/month @ 4:30PM
Pets in home: Dogs
Childcare: Unstructured
Accomodates: 10 Adults (CURRENTLY FULL)
Questions? Contact Chris: cac360@gmail.com
Josh & Abby Kenderdine
Hosted by: Brian & Becky Fuller
Location: E. Fallowfield
Meet: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays @ 5:00PM (off 4th and any 5th)
Pets in home: Dogs
Childcare: Structured
Accomodates: 8 spots available (CURRENTLY FULL)
Questions? Contact Josh: joshkenderdine@yahoo.com
Mark & Abby Yorgey
Location: Chester Springs
Meet: Every other Sunday 4:00-6:00PM
Pets in home: Dog
Childcare: Unstructured
Accomodates: (CURRENTLY FULL)
Questions? Contact Abby: abby.yorgey@gmail.com
Steve & Katie Labriola
Location: Downingtown
Meet: 1st & 3rd Sundays, 4:30-6:30pm
Pets in home: dog & cats
Childcare: Informal childcare available
Accomodates: 12 Adults (CURRENTLY FULL)
Questions? Contact Steve: stevelabs@gmail.com
Richard & Martha Calla
Hosted by: Rotation of Hosts beginning with Callas
Location: Downingtown
Meet: Every other Sunday afternoon beginning 9/15 at the Callas
Pets in home: No
Childcare: No
Accomodates: 6 spots available (3 couples or 6 singles)
Questions? Contact Richard: richardcalla1@gmail.com
John & Sandy Haas
Hosted By: Adele and Pete Hinckley
Location: Honey Brook
Meet: 2nd & 4th Sunday @ 2:00PM
Pets in home: Yes
Childcare: No
Accomodates: 12 Adults (CURRENTLY FULL)
Questions? Contact John: jhaas@ebbcpa.org
John & Amy Hofbauer
Hosted By: Various Group Members
Location: Various Homes
Meet: 1st & 3rd Sundays 4:00-6:00PM
Pets in home: no
Childcare: No
Accomodates:(CURRENTLY FULL)
Questions? Contact John: jchofbauer@gmail.com
Matt & Erica Brumbach
Location: Gap
Meet: every other Friday 6:30-8:00pm
Pets in home: cat
Childcare: Unstructured
Accomodates: 8 spots available
Questions? Contact Erica
All the groups full?
If you run into an issue registering for a group because it has reached capacity, please let us know and we will help you find a new group!
Questions? Contact Pastor Joe Bolduc
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