
Giving to EBBC online is safe, secure, and easy to use! You can give here at any time! There are options for one-time giving, as well as recurring giving.

Online giving is a great way to keep your giving consistent! In an effort to provide a convenient, no-hassle online giving option, we only accept bank transfers (ACH) at this time.

Other Giving Options


You can personally arrange for your Financial Institution to mail checks directly to EBBC as a onetime gift or on a recurring schedule. Many banks do not charge for this service so 100% of your gift would be received by EBBC, but you should check with your bank to confirm their fee schedule. In order to maintain consistency in the contributions process, please instruct your Financial Institution to add any designation instructions to the memo line and mail all checks to:

East Brandywine Baptist Church
Attn: Offering
999 Horseshoe Pike, Downingtown, PA 19335


Check may be made payable to “East Brandywine Baptist Church” and either enclosed in your personalized offering envelopes or dropped loose in the offering plate. Checks will be matched in our computer database system and matched to your household as best as possible.


Cash may be enclosed in your personalized offering envelope (preferred method) or you may use the white pew envelopes available in the auditorium. When using the envelopes from the auditorium, please be sure to legibly print your name and address so we can specifically identify you for our records.


Shares of stocks or disbursements from an IRA may be donated directly to the church. Generally, there is a favorable tax advantage in making donations from these two investment methods. If you are interested, please contact a pastor or member of the staff to be properly directed for additional information and consult your tax advisor for tax implications for your personal situation.


*Year End Statement for tax purposes shall be issued to anyone who has contributed at least $250 to East Brandywine Baptist Church in a calendar year per direction from IRS Publication 1771. Donor should always keep supporting documentation (cancelled checks, bank records, etc.) for donations made for their records and tax reporting purposes

Donors who wish to gift stock to the brokerage account set up for EBBC will need to work with (and supply) to their current financial institution the following information: 
  • Name of Clearing Firm – National Financial Services
  • DTC # – 0226
  • Account Number – H2Y390853
  • Account Registration – The Brandywine Baptist Church in County of Chester
Donors should keep confirmation(s) of any transactions processed. 




999 Horseshoe Pike,     Downingtown, PA 19335


Building Request Form

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