
Dear Friends of EBBC,

On behalf of the East Brandywine Baptist Church Congregation, we welcome you to our website. The information provided here is given in order to assist you in getting to know us better before you are, hopefully, our guest.

We are a local church of believers who have committed to one another to submit to and follow Jesus Christ together in love and truth. We are local New Testament Church that is led by a group of elders, served by a growing number of deacons and governed by our members.

As a church, we really only have one thing in common, the saving grace of Jesus Christ revealed to us in the gospel. The word “gospel” means “good news.” The gospel is that Jesus Christ died for our sins and He was raised! This good news message must be personally received. The way we receive the gospel is by repenting/turning from our sins and trusting in Jesus alone for our rescue from the Hell-penalty we are all justly under because of our sins. This changes everything! The gospel changes everything in our lives.

We are commanded to live out this radical change with a group of believers who have mutually promised to follow Jesus. We do that by committing to membership in a local church. A local church is a group of believers that promises to preach the Bible, read the Bible, pray the Bible, sing the Bible and see the Bible in the ordinances(baptism and Lord’s Supper). It is a group of believers that also promises to watch over one another in love, and at times even discipline.

The Lord has been faithful to this congregation, East Brandywine Baptist Church, for 175 years! We would be honored if you would be our guest some Lord’s Day. You will hopefully discover preaching that deals with the Bible verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter, book-by-book, but that also suggest practical applications of its truths. We believe that you will also enjoy the musical worship portion of our services. The style of our music is congregational. What I mean is that the emphasis of our musical worship is music that our congregation can sing heartedly because it is true and enthusiastically because it is singable. Our prayer is that you will also notice how friendly our church family is!

So, please enjoy our website. And, if you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at bfuller@ebbcpa.org.


Pastor Brian Fuller


999 Horseshoe Pike,     Downingtown, PA 19335


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